Delores Connors
You write in order to change the world...if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you change it.
James Baldwin
Great book...There is not a book that deals with this topic and I am just taken away… I recommend that every school has this book in their library...Every child on every grade level should read this to have empathy and understanding of what special education child feels… Just wonderful!
Someone has finally written a book for students who are transitioning from mainstream classes to self-contained classes. This book tells a straight forward story without being sappy or overly sentimental. Ms. Connors' story not only gives us insight to a student's anxiety, but we get to a sense of how important a role teachers need to play in making student's feel "good" about being their new environment. Parents, students, and teachers involved in Special Education will find this book particularly helpful
Great story & illustrations!!! This book should bein all school and public libraries...broaches a sensitive topic in a beautiful way. Perfect for teachers and parents who are looking for a way to explain the need for a child to be in a special education class setting. We need more books like this! I hope this author continues to write more children's books in the future!