Delores Connors
You write in order to change the world...if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you change it.
James Baldwin

You See, Mom...
This book was written specifically for children who deal with autism. Autism is an important and very personal endeavor for Mrs. Connors. "Children with autism can be hard to understand, "Mrs. Connors states. "I wrote this book to honor their parents. Communication can sometimes be cloudy, but one thing is always clear: Love."

I Don't Want to Go!
What is it like for a child to go from a mainstream classroom into a special education class? For Mark it's a challenge, and he doesn't want to go. Mark is struggling with the idea of moving from his "big classroom" into this "little classroom." We learn that it's an emotional journey that leads Mark to resent going into his new special education class. Only after his teacher, Ms. Collins reminds Mark that he wants to do well and not disappoint his family does he decide to give the class a try. I Don't Want To Go, through its poignant narrative, brings home the point that emotions can have a strong impact on student learning. It looks at the dilemma that children face when there is a change in their lives.